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09/26/2018One of Newport’s guiding principles of wealth management is to share best practices with our clients. Charitable giving is important to many of our clients, some whom have undertaken amazing charitable projects over the years. Some give directly to charities and others have established private ... Keep Reading "My strategy for charitable giving" >
In a blog post last summer, we reminded our readers about the tax savings opportunities of prescribed rate loans. At the time, we cautioned that interest rate increases were on the horizon and would reduce the amount of the annual savings available to a high-income household. Based upon the ... Keep Reading "Interest on prescribed rate loans set to rise April 1" >
There comes a point when adult children should be asking certain questions of their parents to ensure that their financial affairs are in order. As parents age, achieving financial independence for retirement is a primary objective and effective planning should start well ahead of time. ... Keep Reading "How to talk to aging parents about their financial affairs" >
10/17/2013Adult children of wealthy families are not prepared to handle wealth. That is one of the most common concerns among Newport Private Wealth’s hundreds of wealthy clients. Wealthy baby boomers are moving into their golden years, planning for the succession of assets and realizing their adult ... Keep Reading "Are your adult children financially astute?" >
12/05/2012‘Catalyst funding’ is a notion commonly associated with business, health care and even the not-for-profit sector. It describes investments that are made to accelerate the development of an innovation or strategy. The theory being that with such funding, desired outcomes can be achieved faster ... Keep Reading "Catalyst funding… for families?" >
Wealth management is a tag line used by many financial advisors to describe their services. It’s a familiar term but what does it actually mean and, more importantly, what should it mean? Wikipedia says “at the most general level, economists may define wealth as anything of value which captures ... Keep Reading "Wealth management is more than just financial" >
Some generous parents wish to assist their children to purchase a home, especially given today’s seemingly “out-of-reach” prices. An obstacle for simply gifting capital to children to purchase a home is the risk that a significant portion of the funds could be lost in the event of a marriage ... Keep Reading "A new way of helping your child to buy a home" >
A recent article in the Financial Post concludes that spending by those who are retired declines with age and correspondingly wealth increases for those over 70 years of age. Our experience is quite the opposite among the higher net worth clients we have helped through retirement. In fact, I ... Keep Reading "Increased wealth after age 70? Don’t bet on it." >
Many of my clients have adult children graduating from university and starting a new career. For many it’s the first time they have had to manage finances and plan for the longer term. Now is the time to establish good habits and attitudes that will last a lifetime. Here is my list of the top... Keep Reading "The top 10 things our children should know about money" >
I recently had the experience of counselling a long-time client who, despite a very secure financial position, was overcome with anxiety about money. What became clear to both of us after a lengthy and at times emotional discussion was that her anxiety was not about money at all. Rather it was ... Keep Reading "Surviving spouse, it’s okay to spend the money" >