The Newport Investment Committee – a brain trust of 12 experienced investment professionals with diverse skill sets – sets the overall strategy and manages the Lonsdale investment process. The breadth and depth of experience leads to better investment decisions, as no one professional would have all the skill sets the group commands.
Enter the world
of high-net-worth
Lonsdale Portfolios, a division of Newport Private Wealth, provides professional investment management for families who want a more sophisticated approach to their portfolio than what is typically available to individual investors.
To become a client, you may be introduced by an independent financial advisor with whom Lonsdale has a referring relationship, or enquire here.
Expert investment team
The returns you expect.
Lower risk and volatility.
Lonsdale Portfolios are managed by Newport Private Wealth. Newport’s goal – and track record – is to deliver portfolio returns that are the same or better than its benchmark, after fees and over a full market cycle, with lower risk and volatility than the benchmark.
Your own dedicated portfolio manager
You work directly with a portfolio manager who knows you and your objectives and helping you achieve them. You are more than an account number. By having access to the people managing your money, you’ll understand what you are invested in and why – leading to greater comfort that your investments align with your objectives and giving you greater confidence in your plan.
Interested in becoming a client?
Lonsdale Portfolios is designed for individuals with $300,000 to $1 million of investable assets.
To enquire whether our services could meet your needs, please provide the details below and we will get in touch to discuss next steps.
*Required Fields.
†If you are a U.S. tax filer or a non-Canadian resident, there may be additional considerations to be evaluated before establishing accounts. We will explore any issues with you prior the opening accounts with Newport Private Wealth.
Newport will not share your information.
For information on how we use your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
Where to find us

Head office
469 King Street West
4th Floor
Toronto, ON
M5V 1K4
Other locations
259-1011 9th Avenue SE
Calgary, AB
T2G 0H7
303-590 KLO Road
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 7S2
150 Caroline Street South
Suite 401
Waterloo, ON
N2L 0A5