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Topic: Investing
In our conversations with clients, one question keeps coming up these days: “The Canadian dollar has dropped a lot. How is this impacting my investments?” Keep Reading "Protecting your portfolio against currency changes" >
06/11/2014We recently held the spring session of our popular NextWave program, an educational and networking based initiative that helps the next generation of our client families become more informed, confident and financially independent. On an evening in May, a group of young adults in their 20s and ... Keep Reading "A young adult’s guide to smart spending" >
We hosted our 3rd NextWave event last week in our King West offices where over 30 young adults gathered to learn about and discuss financial issues specifically relevant to the younger age demographic. This NextWave event is part of a larger program to help young adults develop healthy money ... Keep Reading "NextWave – A young adult’s guide to investing" >
05/09/2012Record warm temperatures made for a comfortable Canadian winter this year. But they’ve caused a chill in the energy market. Particularly natural gas prices which dropped to a 15 year low. What’s the cure? “Low gas prices” is the standard response from industry experts. Low prices spur demand ... Keep Reading "When will natural gas prices turn?" >
03/05/2012Last week a friend of mine asked us for help with his portfolio. His portfolio hadn’t made any money in eight years and he hasn’t made RRSP contributions for the past two years because he’s been so unhappy with the performance. He’s already switched financial advisors once (in 2008). Right now ... Keep Reading "How (not) to choose a financial advisor" >
07/28/2011Last week, John Heinzl of the Globe and Mail wrote a good piece on The Difference Between Advisors and Counsellors. He did a nice job of spelling out the key aspects of what it means to work with a professional investment counsellor versus a commissioned salesperson. Keep Reading "Choosing an investment professional" >
I was given a lottery ticket as birthday gift at a dinner with friends on the weekend. The condition was that we would all share the pot. It was great value to dream for even a few hours of how life could change with $41 million. Sudden wealth via the lottery, inheritance or selling a... Keep Reading "Winning the lottery – a dream for all; a nightmare for some" >
Late 2008 and early 2009, financial markets were in crisis and the world was in deep economic recession. The prevailing wisdom was to invest in ‘obvious survivors’. Food, pharmas and other non-discretionary goods that penny pinching consumers couldn’t live without. Good ... Keep Reading "How entrepreneurs – and smart investors – really succeed" >