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The Newport wealth management group expanded again today with the addition of Yasmeen Seddiq, a Chartered Investment Manager who brings more than a decade of international and domestic investment and financial planning experience with major financial institutions. Yasmeen joins Newport as a ... Keep Reading "Newport wealth management group expands with new hire" >
03/25/2019Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau presented the 2019 Budget Plan on March 19th. Compared to past years, there are few significant measures in this budget and no tax rate reductions for individuals or corporations. This post summarizes some of the federal budget changes that are relevant to ... Keep Reading "What the federal budget means for you" >
03/13/2019For most of Canada, this past winter has been colder and snowier than average. Fortunately, with longer daylight hours, spring is finally approaching and our thoughts turn to warmer weather and, for gardening enthusiasts, digging into our outdoor spaces. It’s funny how some of the best ... Keep Reading "Why gardeners make better investors" >
Today is International Women’s Day and the campaign theme for 2019 is #BalanceforBetter, a slogan that calls for a more gender-balanced world, including greater gender balance in income and wealth. Although the gender gap in personal income has narrowed in Canada over the past several decades – ... Keep Reading "Celebrating financial empowerment on International Women’s Day" >
03/05/2019Over the past six months, we’ve seen textbook cases of both. Remember the fourth quarter of 2018: after a prolonged period of relative calm, global stock markets turned sharply negative, with the S&P/TSX Composite Index falling 10.89% and the S&P 500 Index down 13.97%. Equity market ... Keep Reading "Did you pass the volatility test?" >
Family Day is always a time of reflection for me. It was eight years ago around this time of year that I lost my husband, far too early. It was a devastating time, both emotionally and also practically, as I dealt with the implications of his death on my financial future. I wrote about that... Keep Reading "Make Family Day more meaningful than a long weekend" >
01/23/2019The new year is a time when many people take a fresh approach to organizing their personal finances. It may be that you want to change some of the ways you’ve been doing things, or simply make sure you stay current with the practices you already have in place. To help you plan for 2019,... Keep Reading "Financial planning checklist – 2019" >
Over the holidays, a Globe and Mail article written by Rob Carrick entitled, investing lessons for 2019 and beyond from the country’s biggest pension plan, caught our eye. We thought to share some of the highlights – sound principles for investment success regardless of the portfolio ... Keep Reading "Investment lessons from the Canada Pension Plan" >
12/18/20181. Consider tax loss selling In a year when capital markets struggled, you may want to realize any losses in the current year, giving you the ability to offset realized capital gains in the current year and going back three years. Given market performance was stronger in 2015 and 2016, you may ... Keep Reading "6 financial tasks to do before year end" >
10/04/2018Fall colours, turkey dinners, family gatherings, a statutory holiday … are these your images of Thanksgiving weekend? I was reminded of the roots of Thanksgiving this week – causing me to pause for a time and reflect on the purity of the tradition and all that we can be grateful for. The ... Keep Reading "Thanksgiving beyond turkey and the trimmings" >