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07/05/2018Sometimes clients ask us, “Am I considered wealthy?” While “wealth” is a highly subjective and relative term, involving many more factors than financial assets, a high-net-worth investor is defined as someone who has more than $1 million of financial assets (i.e. excluding real estate, private ... Keep Reading "How many high-net-worth investors in Canada?" >
“Most people have no idea of the risk they are taking in their bond portfolio.” That was the view of Richard Usher-Jones of Canso Investment Counsel, independent specialist manager for Newport’s bond portfolios, when he met with our Investment Committee this week. There are a couple reasons why ... Keep Reading "Why your bond portfolio could be riskier than your stocks" >
06/26/2018It’s hard to believe we’re half-way through 2018 already. How are you doing against the financial priorities you set for yourself? Has it been awhile since you checked your progress? Earlier this year, we provided our annual financial planning checklist to make it easy to assess. Everyone’s ... Keep Reading "Ready for your 6-month (financial) check-up?" >
Last week, the Globe & Mail published an enlightening yet cautionary piece by Gail Johnson on the importance of planning for health care in your later years, financially and logistically. Newport’s Chief Wealth Management Officer, David Lloyd, was interviewed for the article as the topic is ... Keep Reading "Do you have a financial plan to fund your elder care needs?" >
02/26/2018By now, most investors have received their year-end account statements from their financial advisors/money managers. And by now, many investors may still be wondering about their investment return. Was it a good return? Average? Poor? The question we would ask is, “Compared to what?” Compared ... Keep Reading "What was a good investment return in 2017?" >
02/12/2018Our Investment Committee recently met with Tye Bousada of EdgePoint Wealth Management Inc., one of the three specialist money managers retained for the Newport Global Equity Fund. EdgePoint has performed well over the nine years since we invested with the firm. While they are pleased with that, ... Keep Reading "When volatility is your friend" >
In a blog post last summer, we reminded our readers about the tax savings opportunities of prescribed rate loans. At the time, we cautioned that interest rate increases were on the horizon and would reduce the amount of the annual savings available to a high-income household. Based upon the ... Keep Reading "Interest on prescribed rate loans set to rise April 1" >
We live in amazing times with so many things easily accessible and available almost instantaneously. Don’t feel like cooking? Dinner can be delivered to your doorstep within minutes using one of the many food delivery apps. Have a cheque to cash? Snap a picture and consider it done. While there ... Keep Reading "Protecting a most valuable asset: your identity." >
As a new parent myself, I know that raising a family is costly. Even more so for families who pay for their children (or grandchildren) to attend private school. For example, at a private school in my Toronto neighbourhood, tuition is roughly $21,000 annually, per child, for grades 1-8, and ... Keep Reading "How to save $15,000 a year on private school tuition" >
At a recent institutional investment conference, several money manager panelists were asked whether they were still finding buying opportunities in their asset class, given the long and significant run-up in prices. Every one of them responded enthusiastically yes. Was this a case of a savvy ... Keep Reading "Does your money manager have an asset class bias?" >