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Meet the Team: Natalie Walker

An occasional blog series that introduces you to our Newport Private Wealth team members

Our Meet the Team series takes a closer look at the people behind Newport Private Wealth. In this post we highlight Natalie Walker, Portfolio Administrator (PA), who was employee number 32 in Newport’s early days, and has been with the organization for 18 years.

How did you get your start in this industry?

I actually started studying child psychology at the University of Waterloo, but quickly determined that I didn’t want to be a teacher or focus on psychology as a career. I was working in retail opening new stores for Staples, when a family friend asked if I could help him. He was an insurance agent making a transition into finance, and he needed someone to keep him organized.

From there, I spent a number of years at Assante Wealth Management, and eventually landed here at Newport.

What was it about that transition that appealed to you?

I discovered that I really liked learning new things daily. After 18 years at Newport, there’s not a week that goes by without that happening.

I also love the detail of it, and what still keeps me interested is the complexity of the situations we face. It’s so much more than administration. I enjoy being the person who not only knows what needs to get done and when, but also how to do it efficiently. I’m always excited by how Newport continues to transform, and how my role is part of that evolution.

It’s also been so satisfying to develop into a mentoring and supporting role for new team members as Newport continues to grow.

What does a day in the life of a PA look like?

The life of a PA is ever-changing!

I like to think of the PAs as the central hub of all that goes on at Newport. As a Portfolio Administrator, I’m involved in all aspect of client administration. That can mean everything from opening new client accounts, processing trades, wire transfers and other account transactions, to maintaining client records and interacting with our custodian and our business partners. Most importantly it’s about understanding the unique needs of our clients and pivoting when it comes to regulatory changes or new technology.

What’s your favourite part of the job?

One of my first jobs was at Baskin Robbins scooping ice cream, and the owner said to me “People who come in for ice cream are happy people. They’re here to be happy,” so he emphasized “service with a smile,” and making the customers feel welcome. That has stayed with me.

I love working with our clients. When we’re working together as a team for them, it’s all about how we can make their lives better. I’ve been supporting clients through every life stage, from purchasing a new home and having their first child to navigating difficult times such as the passing of a spouse. We take that journey with them from beginning to end.

Because I’ve worked with Steve (Stephen Hafner, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager) for so long, I’ve had the chance to build lasting relationships with our clients. We’ve seen parents whose kids are now parents themselves, and we’re getting to know their children as they plan their financial futures. I’ve been able to be there for multiple generations.

What do you do outside of all the work you do at Newport?

Living in Toronto’s east end, we embrace our car-free lifestyle, and love the walkability of our neighbourhood. We have a Husky-Sheppard dog that we adopted during COVID, so we spend a lot of time outdoors with him.

My spouse is currently working towards his PhD in Aging and Health at Queen’s University, so we’re fortunate that our kids are now older—19 and 15—and they’re pretty self-sufficient.

We spend a lot of time walking and immersing ourselves in the lively atmosphere of our community: going to the farmers’ market, local coffee shops and eateries. I also dive into fiction, fantasy, and detective novels whenever I get a chance. I’m lucky to be able to blend family, work, exploration, and personal passions.