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Topic: Making Sense of the Economy
In our conversations with clients, one question keeps coming up these days: “The Canadian dollar has dropped a lot. How is this impacting my investments?” Keep Reading "Protecting your portfolio against currency changes" >
At our investment meeting this week, one of my colleagues shared the news that he had received a call late the night before from a prospective client confirming his decision to hire us to manage his portfolio. While that itself is not news we’re thankful to say, what was interesting was the ... Keep Reading "How to protect your investments from a market downturn" >
05/09/2012Record warm temperatures made for a comfortable Canadian winter this year. But they’ve caused a chill in the energy market. Particularly natural gas prices which dropped to a 15 year low. What’s the cure? “Low gas prices” is the standard response from industry experts. Low prices spur demand ... Keep Reading "When will natural gas prices turn?" >
01/10/2012Yesterday marked what could be a watershed moment for investors in Europe as Germany managed to sell €3.9 billion worth of six months bonds at a negative interest rate. Marginally negative, but it demonstrates that investors are so worried about the economy in Europe that they are willing to ... Keep Reading "How safe are GICs?" >
It seems the U.S. federal government is turning up the heat on offshore US citizens who aren’t part of the U.S. tax system – and they’re getting more focused on finding them. This potentially has implications for U.S. citizens living in Canada. In an announcement earlier this year, the U.S. ... Keep Reading "IRS targeting U.S. citizens living ‘offshore’" >