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One of the most common questions that our owner-manager clients ask is: What is the most tax efficient way to take out funds from my company? There is rarely a simple answer to that question, because the choice of remuneration depends on the unique circumstances of an individual. This blog post ... Keep Reading "Owner-manager remuneration: How should I pay myself?" >
08/22/2019How will your portfolio perform in a market decline? It’s a question that is likely on the minds of many investors given the see-sawing in public equity markets of late. In this post, we explain the concept of “drawdowns” – what they are, the consequences for investors and how to minimize their ... Keep Reading "Protecting wealth by limiting “drawdowns”" >
08/08/2019Negative bond yields may not be exactly top of mind amidst your summer vacation plans and family time. And thank goodness for that! But negative bond yields are a source of preoccupation within the world of finance. They’re making news headlines and since we’ve had a couple of questions about ... Keep Reading "Making (no) sense of negative bond yields" >
07/30/2019With the dog days of summer upon us, you may be looking to indulge in some quality down time of summer reading at the beach or cottage. Here is a diverse mix of recent favourite reads from members of the Newport team. Strangers in Paradise: How Families Adapt to Wealth Across Generations by ... Keep Reading "Newport’s summer reading list" >
06/26/2019We’re nearing the end of June, which is a good time for a mid-year financial review. How are you doing against the financial priorities you set for yourself? In January, we provided our annual financial planning checklist to make it easy to assess. Now is a good opportunity to review your ... Keep Reading "Your 6-month financial review" >
Our Investment Committee met earlier this week with Luxembourg-based global equity managers, Klaus Petersen and Jens Hansen who run the ValueInvest Global Strategy, which makes up approximately 30% of our Newport Global Equity Fund. Here are some highlights from our discussion – and some good ... Keep Reading "How a global equity manager finds value in an expensive market" >
05/16/2019Although it has been a few years, I still remember an amusing story one of my retired clients told me. One morning, he and his wife were wakened by two squirrels chattering noisily outside their window. My client said to his wife, “What do you suppose they’re arguing about?” “Money,” she ... Keep Reading "Is retirement what you think it is?" >
04/29/2019In this First Quarter Review, Chief Investment Officer, Mark Kinney, discusses our investment strategy for volatile times and a unique new private investment we made – an opportunistic play on an out-of-favour sector. If your portfolio is not benefiting from broad asset class exposure and ... Keep Reading "Q1 Quarterly Investment Update" >
04/17/2019Managing your retirement income in the most tax effective way is smart financial planning. In this post, we address three of the most common questions about structuring retirement income. These are the basic facts, but everyone’s situation is different. It’s always advisable to consult a tax ... Keep Reading "3 retirement income questions answered" >
04/05/2019For Millennials, many find investing to be a challenge: some may be overwhelmed by an array of choice (after all, there are only 3,454 mutual funds in Canada*) while others may not understand how to put in place a savings plan to achieve their goals. From a behavioural perspective, if we don’t ... Keep Reading "Millennial meet-up on managing money" >