Justin Ecclestone CFP®, TEP

Associate, Wealth Planning Group

From the time he was 14, Justin felt a pull towards the world of financial services—a world he got a front-row seat to thanks to his dad’s career in the industry. It wasn’t just the mechanics of finance or the thrill of investing that drew him in; it was the entrepreneurial spirit and the energy that really resonated with him.

Justin’s initiative showed early. He was an NCAA tennis student athlete and turned his skill into a summer job, offering private tennis lessons north of Toronto, where his grandparents owned a cottage. “I loved the idea that the more energy you put into it, the more you’re going to get out,” Justin explains. Plus, there was a human element—networking, and working directly with his students—that he really enjoyed. Investing and wealth planning embodies both for him.

His interest in the industry also has a personal, altruistic side. Justin recalls stories of family members who were exploited in investment schemes. “Seeing vulnerable people taken advantage of always troubled me,” he shares. This sense of fairness steered his career towards making a meaningful difference.

After nearly six years at Scotiabank, primarily working in the estates and trusts area, Justin joined Newport’s Wealth Planning Group in January 2024, where he plays a hands-on role in helping craft wealth management strategies for clients.

Justin has learned the importance of patience and sees his job as helping clients look at their financial situation with mindfulness and calm. He believes it’s important to take the emotion out of financial decisions to develop a solid wealth management strategy and be mindful of the big picture when markets turn, or other events come into play.

Justin is a Certified Financial Planner and Trust and Estate Practitioner. He is also a 2024 Level II CFA candidate. Justin lives in Toronto and continues to play tennis and squash and indulges his entrepreneurial spirit by trading classic cars with his brother.